
FOREST/ANIMALS, GAME                                                          

Name of exercise:     Recognizing excrements of animals

Size of the group 2-6
Age of the members 5+
Needed material/Terrain conditions Pictures of a rabbit, a bear, a moose, a deer, a boar, a lynx, a squirrel and pictures of their excrements, a paper and pencils, task card, forests
Aims Learn to recognize animals and their excrements
Remarks Instead of pictures you can try to find the excrements

Description of the exercise:

Customers try to recognize animal’s excrements and compound the right animal and animal’s excrement together and write the answer in Finnish, in German, In English

Instructions for the advisor:

  1. Give the customers the pictures of animals, their footprints and excrements
  2. Give instructions, paper and pencil to perform the task for the customer

Instructions for clients:

  1. Try to recognize animal’s excrements and compound the right animal and the right excrement together
    Link to worksheet (including solutions)